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Gastric adenocarcinoma (T staging)

Gastric adenocarcinoma Feb 17, 2009
Large gastric adenocarcinoma located on the greater curve, visualized as a hypoechoic, inhomogenous mass, invading the gastric wall, including the serosa (T3). Peritumoral lymph nodes, up to 2.5 cm, visualised as predominantly hard by EUS elastography.
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Gastric T3 adenocarcinoma Aug 25, 2005
Patient with a large tumor on the lesser curve and posterior face, immediately above the gastric angle, confirmed on biopsies as a high-differentiated adenocarcinoma. Linear EUS allowed visualisation of the tumor (blue arrows) as a hypoechoic, inhomogenous mass that replaced the normal five-layered structure of the gastric wall. The tumor was invading the muscularis propria and serosa (T3 carcinoma), being in close contact with the pancreas.

Gastric stump carcinoma Jan 23, 2005
Gastric stump carcinoma with invasion of the major papilla and cholestatic jaundice. Gastric wall was thickened (15 mm) with hypoechoic transmural tumor infiltration and disasapearance of normal EUS layers (blue arrows). Pancreatic body (P) was also invaded by the gastric tumor (T4). Endoscopic biopsies confirmed the diagnosis of adenocarcinoma.

Gastric T4 adenocarcinoma Jan 23, 2005
Gastric adenocarcinoma with invasion of the transverse colon. Gastric wall was thickened (12 mm) with hypoechoic transmural tumor infiltration and disasapearance of normal EUS layers. Transverse colon was invaded by the gastric tumor (T4). The diagnosis was confirmed intraoperatively.

Malignant pyloric stenosis Jan 23, 2005
Patient with a large antral tumor, stenosing the pylorus, confirmed on biopsies as a medium-differentiated adenocarcinoma. Linear EUS allowed visualisation of the tumor (blue arrows) as a hypoechoic, inhomogenous mass that replaced the normal five-layered structure of the gastric wall. The tumor was invading the serosa and the left liver lobe (T4).

Ulcerated gastric adenocarcinoma Jan 23, 2005
Patient with a malignant ulcer on the lesser curve, at the level of the gastric angle, confirmed on biopsies as a well-differentiated adenocarcinoma. Linear EUS allowed visualisation of the tumor (blue arrows) as a hypoechoic, inhomogenous mass that replaced the normal five-layered structure of the gastric wall. The tumor was invading the muscularis propria (red arrows) and subserosa (T2b), near the left liver lobe.


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