Early chronic pancreatitis |
Feb 5, 2005 |
Patient with known alcohol abuse, with enlarged (30 mm), inhomogeneous pancreatic head visualized by EUS anterior to the splenic vessels, with hyperechoic foci and characteristic “honeycomb” appearance. However, ERCP was normal, with slight irregularities of the main pancreatic duct. |
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Early chronic pancreatitis |
Jan 24, 2005 |
Another patient with known alcohol abuse, with inhomogeneous pancreatic body and hyperechoic foci, visualized by EUS anterior of the splenic vessels. The pancreatic duct was irregular and slightly dilated. Chronic pancreatitis was confirmed by ERCP which showed irregular secondary branches and slightly irregular main pancreatic duct. |
Early chronic pancreatitis |
Jan 24, 2005 |
Another patient with known alcohol abuse, having an irregular main pancreatic duct with hyperechoic margins, at the level of the pancreatic body. Pancreatic parenchyma was also visualized as inhomogeneous, with echogenic bands and foci. ERCP also showed an irregular main pancreatic duct and side branches. |