Primary hepatocellular carcinoma |
Feb 8, 2005 |
Patient diagnosed by transabdominal ultrasound with a left liver lobe tumor in contact with the liver capsule. EUS allowed the visualization of the tumor from the stomach, while paraffin embedded specimens of EUS-guided FNA biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of moderately differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma (hematoxylin-eosin x20). |
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Focal steatosis |
Jan 31, 2005 |
Patient with known alcohol abuse, with a suspicion of left liver lobe tumor identified by transabdominal ultrasond in contact with the liver capsule. EUS allowed the visualization of the tumor from the stomach, with normal vascular signals inside the tumor, while cytology exam of EUS-guided FNA smears confirmed the diagnosis of normal liver hepatocytes in a background of erythrocytes. |
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Retroperitoneal tumor |
Jan 30, 2005 |
Patient diagnosed by transabdominal ultrasound with a large retroperitoneal tumor in contact with the left liver lobe. EUS allowed the visualization of the tumor from the stomach with absent power Doppler signals inside. EUS-guided FNA smears confirmed the diagnosis of malignancy and showed clumps of atypical cells. |